
Hey everyone!

Thanks for your interest in these photos. I take them because I love my city and want to share all its wonderful, weird, and interesting corners with you.

The photos are royalty-free, meaning that you do not have to pay royalties or license fees for each use. Once you make a donation—the amount of which is up to you—you can use the photos in your personal and commercial projects in perpetuity. You can use them on your real estate website, in an email newsletter, or make album artwork with them. The possibilities are only limited by your creativity!

I only ask that you use my photos respectfully so I have laid out some terms and conditions below regarding use of the photos on Little Bits of New York. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

The photos that you purchase on this website are:

  • perpetual: you can use them forever
  • unlimited: you can use them on as many projects and in as many media as you like
  • non-exclusive: you do not have exclusive rights to use them.

The license strictly prohibits you to:

  • use the photos on this website without first purchasing them
  • falsely represent that you are the creator of the photos
  • sell or redistribute unaltered copies of the photos on this website as prints or printed on physical goods
  • sell or redistribute the photos on this website on stock photography platforms (websites, services, and/or apps)
  • sell or redistribute the photos on this website as your own
  • create a similar/competing service or website as Little Bits of New York with the photos on this website
  • transfer or sublicense the photos on this website to anyone else unless you made the purchase on behalf of your employer or client, in which case the transfer is allowed, but your employer or client will be bound to the same terms listed here

The terms to the license may change so please visit this page regularly for any updates to the license.